Springtime Garden Maintenance
Posted By Adrianne Anderson @ Apr 26th 2023 6:00am In: Buyer Tips

With the beautiful sights, sounds and smells of spring also come the chores of garden and lawn maintenance. Whether it is a source of exercise and relaxation for you, or a chore that you'd rather hire someone to do, spring gardening is a must. What steps do you need to take to make your garden healthy this spring?

1) Make necessary repairs to hardscaping.

Hardscaping refers to any of your garden's elements that aren't planted. Now is the time to inspect and repair those retaining walls, walkways, fences, and other parts of your garden that have shifted or been damaged over the winter.

2) Clean up thoroughly.

Next, take time to clean up to prepare for spring plantings. Leaves and twigs can become more than just a nuisance when they start attracting rodents and other pests to your garden. This is also an excellent time to weed and remove dead plants before flowers start to come up.

3) Prune trees and shrubs.

Your trees and shrubs always need additional care. Before the leaves get heavy, prune away branches that could threaten your home or your neighbor's property. Prune back hedges so they're tidy. This also helps the healthy parts of the plants grow back stronger.

4) Plant spring flowers.

Adding a pop of color with springtime flowers is always a fun part of gardening. Get your hands dirty and plant those perennials in the ground or in pots to make your landscaping look bright and colorful for the season. 

5) Be prepared for frost.

When working on your garden in the early spring, be mindful that chilly days and frost could still occur. Watch the weather forecast to learn when to be wary of frost. Cover outdoor plants to protect them and bring your pots indoors for the night. Our area rarely sees temps that are a threat this late, but you should stay vigilant.

Are you ready to have your own garden for the spring? Call us today.

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